DiagnoseMe Analyser
Answer a few short questions in less than 30 seconds and help our analyser diagnose your back problem and potential treatment options. Immediate results. Get started!
Question 1
Do you suffer with your back?
Question 2
What is your age?
Question 3
Is the pain in the back, leg or a combination of both?
Question 4
Do you have any of the following?
Question 5
Have you had episodes of back pain before?
Question 6
Do you have a diagnosis and know why you get back pain?
Question 7
Does it hurt more to bend forwards or back?
Question 8
This pattern of pain may indicate a disc problem.
Do you know what treatments work best?
Question 8
This pattern of pain may indicate a problem with the small joints behind the spine called the facet joints.
Do you know what treatments work best?
Question 4
Do you have pins and needles, numbness or pain going down the leg below the knee?
Question 5
Does it affect both legs?
Question 6
This is more of a concern. Are your bladder and bowels working normally for you?
Question 6
It sounds like you may be pinching a nerve and have sciatica. This is most commonly caused by a slipped disc, but if you are older (>60years) the nerve may be trapped under a degenerate facet joint. Are you taking good analgesia?
Question 4
Is your walking limited by this problem and does it help to sit down?
Question 5
You may have mechanical back pain being referred into the legs, with or without nerves being pinched. Has the pain been going on for more than two weeks?
Compiling your diagnosis... 4

Your Diagnosis:
It is still possible to have a spinal problem without suffering with your back.
We treat all kinds of spinal problems in the neck and lower back which can affect your arms and legs.
Next Steps
Free 15 Minute Consultation
Send your results to our team and arrange a FREE 15 minute consultation with one of our specialists.
Try our DiagnoseMe 3 in 1 Package
We will give you a guaranteed diagnosis and treatment plan in one visit to the clinic.
Your Diagnosis:
Seriousness Rating: High
Your seriousness rating is high. This means that potentially there could be a more serious underlying problem which could do harm. This needs rapid diagnosis and treatment. Call us now.
Next Steps
Free 15 Minute Consultation
Send your results to our team and arrange a FREE 15 minute consultation with one of our specialists.
Try our DiagnoseMe 3 in 1 Package
We will give you a guaranteed diagnosis and treatment plan in one visit to the clinic.
Your Diagnosis:
Excellent - understanding your back problems is really important. Come and see us and we’ll explain what can be done to make you better. We have many treatments for mechanical back pain, depending on the specific problem and diagnosis.
Seriousness Rating: Low
Your seriousness rating is low. This means that it is less likely you have a serious underlying problem. However, this is a real problem for you, and may have been going on for some time. We can accurately diagnose and resolve this problem now.
Possible treatments for your condition may include:
For more than 90% of our patients, we can resolve problems with simple treatments. This allows you to heal naturally and avoid open surgery. However, we are also experts in performing all types of spine surgery when required.
Next Steps
Free 15 Minute Consultation
Send your results to our team and arrange a FREE 15 minute consultation with one of our specialists.
Try our DiagnoseMe 3 in 1 Package
We will give you a guaranteed diagnosis and treatment plan in one visit to the clinic.
Your Diagnosis:
You will find it very helpful to understand your back problems better. There is lots that can be done to help you.
Seriousness Rating: Medium
Your seriousness rating is medium. This means that there could be a potentially significant problem such as trapped nerves. You will do best with prompt diagnose and treatment. Call us now.
Possible treatments for your condition may include:
For more than 90% of our patients, we can resolve problems with simple treatments. This allows you to heal naturally and avoid open surgery. However, we are also experts in performing all types of spine surgery when required.
Next Steps
Free 15 Minute Consultation
Send your results to our team and arrange a FREE 15 minute consultation with one of our specialists.
Try our DiagnoseMe 3 in 1 Package
We will give you a guaranteed diagnosis and treatment plan in one visit to the clinic.
Your Diagnosis:
You will find it very helpful to understand your back problems better. There is plenty that can be done to help you.
Seriousness Rating: Low
Your seriousness rating is low. This means that it is less likely that you have a serious underlying problem. However this is a real problem for you, and may have been going on for some time. We can accurately diagnose and resolve this problem now.
Possible treatments for your condition may include:
For more than 90% of our patients, we can resolve problems with simple treatments. This allows you to heal naturally and avoid open surgery. However, we are also experts in performing all types of spine surgery when required.
Next Steps
Free 15 Minute Consultation
Send your results to our team and arrange a FREE 15 minute consultation with one of our specialists.
Try our DiagnoseMe 3 in 1 Package
We will give you a guaranteed diagnosis and treatment plan in one visit to the clinic.
Your Diagnosis:
Seriousness Rating: High
Your seriousness rating is high. This means that potentially there could be a more serious underlying problem which could do harm. This needs rapid diagnosis and treatment. Call us now.
Possible treatments for your condition may include:
For more than 90% of our patients, we can resolve problems with simple treatments. This allows you to heal naturally and avoid open surgery. However, we are also experts in performing all types of spine surgery when required.
Next Steps
Free 15 Minute Consultation
Send your results to our team and arrange a FREE 15 minute consultation with one of our specialists.
Try our DiagnoseMe 3 in 1 Package
We will give you a guaranteed diagnosis and treatment plan in one visit to the clinic.
Your Diagnosis:
This sounds like you may be pinching nerve roots on both sides of the spine. This can be caused by a big disc herniation narrowing the spinal canal.
Seriousness Rating: Medium
Your seriousness rating is medium. This means that there could be a potentially significant problem such as trapped nerves. You will do best with prompt diagnosis and treatment. Call us now.
We should definitely look into this problem because it can be serious, but the problem is often fixable.
Possible treatments for your condition may include:
For more than 90% of our patients, we can resolve problems with simple treatments. This allows you to heal naturally and avoid open surgery. However, we are also experts in performing all types of spine surgery when required.
Next Steps
Free 15 Minute Consultation
Send your results to our team and arrange a FREE 15 minute consultation with one of our specialists.
Try our DiagnoseMe 3 in 1 Package
We will give you a guaranteed diagnosis and treatment plan in one visit to the clinic.
Your Diagnosis:
Taking the correct pain killers is very important to help you keep moving. Sciatica is a very common problem and we can treat this problem very effectively.
Seriousness Rating: Medium
Your seriousness rating is medium. This means that there could be a potentially significant problem such as trapped nerves. You will do best with prompt diagnosis and treatment. Call us now.
Possible treatments for your condition may include:
For more than 90% of our patients, we can resolve problems with simple treatments. This allows you to heal naturally and avoid open surgery. However, we are also experts in performing all types of spine surgery when required.
Next Steps
Free 15 Minute Consultation
Send your results to our team and arrange a FREE 15 minute consultation with one of our specialists.
Try our DiagnoseMe 3 in 1 Package
We will give you a guaranteed diagnosis and treatment plan in one visit to the clinic.
Your Diagnosis:
There are several possible diagnoses here:
- You may be pinching a nerve and have sciatica
- The pain may be referred from your back
- The pain may be coming from elsewhere such as hip or sacroiliac joint
We are experts in the investigation and treatment of these problems. The effective management of your problem starts with an accurate diagnosis. Call us to discuss.
Seriousness Rating: Medium
Your seriousness rating is medium. This means that there could be a potentially significant problem such as trapped nerves. You will do best with prompt diagnosis and treatment. Call us now.
Possible treatments for your condition may include:
For more than 90% of our patients, we can resolve problems with simple treatments. This allows you to heal naturally and avoid open surgery. However, we are also experts in performing all types of spine surgery when required.
Next Steps
Free 15 Minute Consultation
Send your results to our team and arrange a FREE 15 minute consultation with one of our specialists.
Try our DiagnoseMe 3 in 1 Package
We will give you a guaranteed diagnosis and treatment plan in one visit to the clinic.
Your Diagnosis:
You may be pinching nerves in your lower back, particularly if you are older. We call this spinal stenosis. We can treat spinal stenosis very successfully.
Seriousness Rating: Medium
Your seriousness rating is medium. This means that there could be a potentially significant problem such as trapped nerves. You will do best with prompt diagnosis and treatment. Call us now.
Possible treatments for your condition may include:
For more than 90% of our patients, we can resolve problems with simple treatments. This allows you to heal naturally and avoid open surgery. However, we are also experts in performing all types of spine surgery when required.
Next Steps
Free 15 Minute Consultation
Send your results to our team and arrange a FREE 15 minute consultation with one of our specialists.
Try our DiagnoseMe 3 in 1 Package
We will give you a guaranteed diagnosis and treatment plan in one visit to the clinic.
Your Diagnosis:
The acute pain may be arising from different parts of your back, most commonly either a disc or facet joint. There is a good chance things will settle. Take regular strong analgesia if you can to enable you to keep moving, which should help speed recovery. If it’s not improving or you need faster help and a diagnosis call us.
Seriousness Rating: Medium
Your seriousness rating is medium. This means that there could be a potentially significant problem such as trapped nerves. You will do best with prompt diagnosis and treatment. Call us now.
Possible treatments for your condition may include:
For more than 90% of our patients, we can resolve problems with simple treatments. This allows you to heal naturally and avoid open surgery. However, we are also experts in performing all types of spine surgery when required.
Next Steps
Free 15 Minute Consultation
Send your results to our team and arrange a FREE 15 minute consultation with one of our specialists.
Try our DiagnoseMe 3 in 1 Package
We will give you a guaranteed diagnosis and treatment plan in one visit to the clinic.
Your Diagnosis:
Your pain may be arising from several different places in your back which might include a slipped disc or a painful facet joint. In addition, you may be catching a nerve. You’ve put up with this long enough.
Give us a call we can rapidly diagnose and treat this problem.
Seriousness Rating: Medium
Your seriousness rating is medium. This means that there could be a potentially significant problem such as trapped nerves. You will do best with prompt diagnosis and treatment. Call us now.
Possible treatments for your condition may include:
For more than 90% of our patients, we can resolve problems with simple treatments. This allows you to heal naturally and avoid open surgery. However, we are also experts in performing all types of spine surgery when required.
Next Steps
Free 15 Minute Consultation
Send your results to our team and arrange a FREE 15 minute consultation with one of our specialists.
Try our DiagnoseMe 3 in 1 Package
We will give you a guaranteed diagnosis and treatment plan in one visit to the clinic.
The UK Spine Centre, 19 Harley St, London, W1G 9QJ, UK
Tel: 0208 004 0484
Email: info@ukspinecentre.co.uk
Disclaimer: Using this tool is not a substitute for seeing a specialist and no responsibility is implied by the output.